就是這樣的客觀條件,才能造就出「The Hindu Times」這樣的驚嘆號。這不是林宥嘉的歌,而是林宥嘉和這個Band一起的歌。樂手把雙掌在頭頂互擊,林宥嘉倏地抽起麥克風,迎面而來的強烈節奏讓人不由自主地跟著音樂搖擺起來。唱到「You're my sunshine You're my rain」時,如著魔般迅速顫動的十指,好像跟著他的聲音輪番撩撥著你的神經。什麼是Rock'n Roll?這就是Rock'n Roll!(請別跟我說吃早餐也是Rock'n Roll,求求您了。)
(I do believe he's got flare, he's got speed and he walks on air)
所以啊,別再抱怨什麼幾百塊錢港幣只有九十分鐘。味道這麼醇厚的「The Hindu Times」,唱功已到爐火純青之境、情感糾結百轉千迴的「I'm Gonna Find Another You」,甜蜜夢幻中有淡淡哀傷的「Carnival」,九十分鐘裡面沒有溜冰鞋、模仿秀,也沒有特技視效,足斤足料的都是音樂。林宥嘉不僅帶給你超卓的唱功和豐沛的情感,藉著獨到的選曲眼光,他更讓我們聽見了許多當代出色的中英文歌曲,這些歌很容易被市場歸入冷門,但他卻以無比的熱情,和我們分享這些獨一無二的珍寶 - 把他聽到這些歌時的領悟和感動,也傳遞給我們。坦白說,沒有幾個歌手能做到這一點,而他卻從來不曾忘記自己唱歌的初衷。
I get up when I'm down
I can't swim but my soul won't drown
I do believe I've got flare
I've got speed and I walk on air
'Cos God gave me his soul
in your rock 'n' roll babe
'Cos God gave me his soul
in your rock 'n' roll babe
And I get so high I just can't feel it
And I get so high I just can't feel it
In and out my brain
Running through my veins
You're my sunshine
You're my rain
There's a light
That shines on
Shines on me
And it keeps me warm
It give me peace
I must say
I can't sleep
'Cos the world won't wait
'Cos God gave me a soul
In your rock 'n' roll babe
'Cos God gave me a soul
In your rock 'n' roll babe
And I get so high I just can't feel it
And I get so high I just can't feel it
In and out my brain
Running through my veins
You're my sunshine
You're my rain
And I get so high I just can't feel it
And I get so high I just can't feel it
And I get so high I just can't feel it
And I get so high I just can't feel it
In and out my brain
Running through my veins
You're my sunshine
You're my rain